Selling Information

Before you go “On The Market” …

  • Make sure you are ready to sell, both mentally and physically!!
  • Don’t price your property above the market. In fact, in the current market, it always best to keep the price out of the equation (so to speak) as it can be a barrier for prospective purchasers to enquire
  • Beware of agents offering FREE advertising, as in the end you will get NOTHING FOR NOTHING and your home will remain unsold
  • Beware of agents who offer to work for less commission – as the old saying goes…if you pay peanuts, you get monkeys, and it is SO TRUE here. Employ an agent who is worth the money as he/she will make money for you that truly justifies the ‘SUCCESS FEE’. If a sales person and/or agent is prepared to negotiate their commission up front and give things away for free, what are they going to do when it comes to negotiating the sale price of your property!
  • Present your asset for sale in the best possible way – remove clutter – tidy yards and gardens – patch paintwork – fix fences – steam clean carpets – high pressure clean exterior, driveway, paths & entertaining area. These are all inexpensive and cost effective ways to make your home more pleasant, and in so doing you will enjoy the home more too…de-clutter interior (including garage / shed) and overall presentation are the two biggest key points when marketing your property to the public
  • Fix ALL the problems before you go to the market. Remember that most buyers today will get a building and pest report, so don’t leave a problem until it’s too late. Negate any issues that may arise. Make it as easy as possible for prospective purchasers to make an informed decision
  • Ask your agent for his/her opinion on maintenance and repairs. If they are any good, they will tell you at the point of the market appraisal
    Enlist the help of your agent in marketing the home for sale, as effective marketing…and we didn’t say expensive marketing… effective marketing can get the job done quickly. Professional photos on the internet attract MORE buyers than plain agency photos – reflect your property to its best possible advantage

Recently we sold a home that several agents tried to sell…unsuccessfully…over the last eight months. Listed at $1,300,000, we sold the home the first day it was advertised. Through effective marketing, this home sold for a financial outlay of just over one thousand dollars. HAPPY OWNERS, AND THEY SOLD AT THE PRICE THEY WANTED!!

  • Be informed as to what you will do when you have sold. Ask your agent to source stock in the area you wish to relocate to. As members of the REIQ, there is an opportunity to access the stock listed with member agents throughout Australia and New Zealand. By knowing what’s for sale and where it is at the time, you will be able to make an informed decision when you get that magic contract.
  • Seek an open opinion from at least three REIQ agents before you decide on THE ONE. From details and information an agent is able to provide, you will be able to ascertain who has the goods and who does not

Happy Selling!!
Ask the sellers who dealt with the agent you’re thinking of selecting:

  • Did the real estate agent live up to their promises?
  • Did they receive the highest price? After all, the main purpose of an agent is to get the best price possible
  • Were they happy with the service they received?


Buyers for a property can be found all year round, however it’s not often that a purchaser for your home is out there, just waiting for you to put your home on the market. Timing, presentation and advertising are all required to bring buyers and sellers together for the best result.
Spring is often considered to be the best time to sell. It’s a time of optimism and with the weather clearing, more potential buyers will be out and about. It is also a time when more sellers will put their homes on the market, so there will be more competition.
Winter usually presents fewer buyers, but the buyers are usually more focussed on purchasing and traditionally there will be fewer homes on the market to choose from. Prior to placing your home on the market, allow an additional two weeks to prepare both the property and the marketing material.


A tidy home says “Welcome”. Your home should be kept neat and tidy during the period of inspections. It should not necessarily be a “show place” but appear a comfortable home in which to live.
Fresh flowers or indoor plants always brighten up a home. While you’re cleaning, think about each room and what furniture really needs to be in it. Rooms look smaller when they are crowded. Clear out anything that’s not needed to create a feeling of spaciousness.
Make sure that all minor repairs are completed. Sticking doors and windows, loose door knobs, faulty plumbing or peeling paint may affect your sale. Let plenty of light into your home. Nothing improves atmosphere more than brightness. And on a dull day, switch on some lights prior to the arrival of prospective purchasers. A warm comfortable heated home on cold days adds a feeling of cosiness; on a hot day don’t forget to turn on any air conditioning or fans (or simply let the breeze flow through)


If you submit your property for Auction, this means that prospective purchasers will bid against one another at a date and time suitable to you. You can set a reserve price, which is the minimum you will accept, and once bidding has passed that level you know you have a sale, as it will be unconditional and a predetermined deposit must be paid on the day.
Sale by Private Treaty means that you set a price at which your property is to be marketed to the public through the marketing plan agreed to by you and your agent.